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Subject Intent:

To increase pupils’ prospects by:

Enabling them to effectively think like a writer and gain age appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding of reading, writing, poetry, speaking and listening.

  1. Individual growth and aspiration

R- Develop children’s knowledge through reading a variety of literature which is suitably challenging and complex. The texts children are exposed to include those at the centre of a topic, which will be mainly fiction, poetry, books children have read to them and reading scheme books.

Through reading a variety of texts, including classic and cultural, children will develop an interest in the world around them.

W- Through being exposed to a variety of literature, the children will develop a wide and varied vocabulary. In turn, this will aspire them to write.

S+L – Children to be able to speak clearly and confidently.

To be able to express themselves well enough in the written word to place them on the path towards their aspirations, dreams and goals.

To ability to read, write and use the spoken word is essential in order to success in any job which will then impact throughout someone’s life.

  1. Individual cultural identity, global citizenship and equality of all
  • Through reading a wide range of materials, recognise and understand differences exist between cultures and identities and be able to discuss that they may not be able to experience first hand.
  • To enable children to understand their place in the world.

 S+L – Discuss the cultures, equality and identities in the world.

  1. Media skills and communication

S+L + W - To be able to express themselves well enough in the written word to place them on the path towards their aspirations, dreams and goals

S+L – for children to be able to have a debate, listening and responding politely and respectfully to others to challenge their thinking and express their opinions.

S+L- To be able to understand communication received as adults and be able to deal with successes and problems that may present themselves

R, W + S+L- To be able to effectively interpret the truth behind the words

W- To use media (including social media platforms) to communicate opinions, ideas and beliefs with an audience for a real purpose with respect.

  1. Participatory citizenship and entrepreneurship

R + W +S+L - To understand their role within their community by working closely and having links with people in the community for example the School Café, Summer Fair.

W + R- To use media (including social media platforms) to build entrepreneurial skills including those which make money.

  1. Responsibility of the environment, well-being and a sustainable future
  • To gain knowledge and understanding of world events and their impact

R + S+L - To understand and appreciate the wellbeing of others and how to support them

W + S+L To be able to pass information on for generations to come

Writing Study Units:

Writing Study Units Year 1Writing Study Units Year 2Writing Study Units Year 3Writing Study Units Year 4Writing Study Units Year 5Writing Study Units Year 6


Phonics in Early Years and Year 1 follows the Bug Club Phonics Scheme. Year 2 is a transitionary year where revision of phonic sounds taught in Year 1 takes place as well as the teaching and learning of spellings following the National Curriculum. Years 3 – 6 continue to follow the teaching and learning of spelling patterns, rules and exceptions as set out in the National Curriculum. Aspects of spelling revision for Key Stage Two reflect the needs of our children in Coopers Edge based on analysis of previous spelling gaps in Upper Key Stage Two. Resources may occasionally be used from the Nelson spelling scheme where relevant. However, this progression document replaces the previously used Nelson scheme and teaching will follow a model spelling lesson, which matches the existing phonics lesson structure (review, teach, practise and apply).



Handwriting is a basic skill that influences the quality of work throughout the curriculum. By the end of Key Stage 2 all pupils should have the ability to produce fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy joined-up handwriting, and to understand the different forms of handwriting used for different purposes.

Our intention is to make handwriting an automatic process that does not interfere with creative and mental thinking.


  • To develop a neat, legible, speedy handwriting style using continuous cursive letters, which leads to producing letters and words automatically in independent writing.
  • To establish and maintain high expectations for the presentation of written work.
  • For pupils to understand, by the end of Year 6, the importance of neat presentation and the need for different letterforms (cursive, printed or capital letters) to help communicate meaning clearly.

All teaching staff are encouraged to model the printed (EYFS and Y1) or cursive (Y2-Y6) style of handwriting chosen for each year group in our school in all their handwriting, whether on whiteboards, displays or in pupils’ books.

Consistency throughout the school
Pupils should experience coherence and continuity in the learning and teaching of handwriting across all school years and be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their work. Our objective is to help pupils enjoy learning and developing their handwriting with a sense of achievement and pride.

Handwriting frequency:
Handwriting is a cross-curricular task and will be taken into consideration during all lessons. Formal teaching of handwriting will be carried out regularly and systematically to ensure Key Stage targets are met. Handwriting lessons are taught daily in Key Stage One. In Key Stage Two, this takes place immediately after lunch at least twice a week.

Pens and pencils: 

Children will start handwriting using a soft pencil. In Key Stage Two, when children’s handwriting is joined legibly and written at a consistent size, teachers use discretion to decide whether to award the child a handwriting pen. At the beginning of each year, children will return to pencil until their teacher decides that the handwriting and presentation is of a consistent high quality before giving them a handwriting pen.


For children who experience handwriting difficulties due to fine motor development, including those who are left-handed and those with special educational needs, reasonable adjustments will be in place. This may take the form of sloped desks, standing desks, alternative writing tools (softer pencils, larger pencils, etc), pencil grips or differing practice of letter formation to others (matching the need of the child). Within writing books, children may use handwriting guides or highlighter lines for support.

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