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Drawing and Talking 

Drawing and Talking is a therapeutic intervention that is designed as a short-term pro-active intervention intended to complement, rather than replace, the work of Specialist Mental Health Services. This approach allows children and young people to bring what they need to their sessions and use drawing as a way to help them express their feelings The Drawing and Talking therapeutic approach allows children to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique.


The Color Monster 

The Color Monster is a children's book by Anna Llenas that explores emotions through the use of colors. The book tells the story of a little monster trying to understand and sort out its swirling emotions represented by different colors. It offers a gentle and relatable way for children to learn about their own emotions and how to manage them. In a school setting, The Color Monster can benefit children in several ways:

1. Emotional Awareness

2. Emotional Vocabulary

3. Emotional Regulation 4. Empathy and Understanding

5. Artistic and Creative Exploration

6. Classroom Discussions


Build to Express 

Lego Build to Express is a therapeutic technique that utilizes Lego bricks as a medium for children to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through the act of building with Lego bricks, children are encouraged to communicate and externalize their inner world, promoting self-expression and emotional processing. During Lego Build to Express sessions, children are given the opportunity to freely construct structures, scenes, or models using Lego bricks according to their own imagination and creativity. They can use colors, shapes, sizes, and various accessories to represent their ideas, emotions, and personal narratives. The therapist or facilitator of the session engages in dialogue with the child, asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their explanations about their Lego creations. This interactive process allows the child to share their thoughts and feelings indirectly through the Lego models, giving them a sense of safety and detachment while still expressing themselves.

Sand Tray Therapy 

Sand tray therapy can offer several benefits for children. It can provide a safe and non-threatening way for them to express themselves, explore their emotions, and work through various psychological and emotional challenges. Some of the benefits of sand tray therapy for children include:

1. Emotional expression

2. Problem-solving and decision-making

3. Regulation of emotions

4. Self-awareness and insight

5. Healing and trauma processing: 

Dog Mentor Program

  1. Increase in school attendance;
  2. Improved confidence;
  3. Decreased pupil anxiety resulting in improvements in learning, such as increases in reading and writing levels;
  4. Improved motivation to learn;
  5. Enhanced relationships with peers and teachers due to experiencing trust and unconditional positive interactions with a therapy dog;
  6. Helping children learn how to express their feelings and enter into more trusting relationships.
  7.  Increase social skills and self-esteem
  8. Teach responsibility and respect to all life

Lunch Club 

Lunch club is for children who need extra support! We provide a quieter space where children can enjoy play, learn turn taking, resolve conflicts, and build strong teams. Our tailored activities are designed to foster social and emotional development while having fun. 

Emotion Coaching 

Emotion coaching involves actively and empathetically guiding children through their emotions, helping them understand and regulate their feelings. Here are some of the benefits of using emotion coaching with children in school:

1. Emotional intelligence development

2. Improved self-regulation

3. Enhanced problem-solving skills 4. Positive classroom climate

5. Resilience and well-being.

Therapeutic Play  (Delivered by Sarah Snowdon - Training with Play Therapy UK)

Play therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses play as a means of helping children express themselves, communicate, and work through emotional or behavioral challenges. During play therapy sessions, children engage in play with a trained therapist who facilitates the process. Here are some benefits of play therapy for children: 1. Emotional expression 2. Communication and social skills 3. Self-esteem and self-confidence 4. Emotional regulation 5. Healing from trauma 6. Problem-solving and creativity

7. Self-awareness and insight

Zones of Regulation 

The Zones of Regulation framework supports children in recognizing their emotional and sensory states, understanding the impact on their behaviors, and developing appropriate coping strategies. It helps them navigate their emotional experiences and make choices that lead to self-regulation. With practice, children can learn to identify their current zone and implement effective strategies to move toward the desired Green Zone

Social Detectives 

Social Detectives is a social skills program designed to support children in developing their social understanding and detective-like skills. It was developed by Michelle Garcia Winner, a speech-language pathologist, and is based on the concepts of Social Thinking®. The program helps children improve their social interactions, problem-solving abilities, and perspective-taking skills.

In a school setting, Social Detectives can support children in several ways:

1. Developing Social Perspective

2. Improving Social Communication

3. Enhancing Social Problem-Solving

4. Managing Social Anxiety

5. Strengthening Social Relationships

6. Supporting Inclusive Environments


Talking Stones 

Talking stones are a creative tool used in various therapeutic and educational settings to support communication and emotional expression. They are physical objects, usually stones, each representing a different emotion or feeling. While the specific meanings can vary, here are some common interpretations: 1. Sad Stone: The Sad Stone is used to share sad feelings. It allows individuals to express their emotions of sadness, grief, or disappointment. When someone holds or talks about the Sad Stone, it signifies that they are feeling down and may need support or understanding. 2. Special Stone: The Special Stone is used to share what makes you feel good. It represents positive emotions such as joy, happiness, excitement, or things that bring a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment. When someone holds or discusses the Special Stone, it indicates they are sharing something that uplifts their spirits or makes them feel special. 3. Tough Stone: The Tough Stone is used to share what makes you feel bad. It represents difficult or challenging emotions, such as anger, frustration, fear, or stress. Holding or discussing the Tough Stone signals that someone is talking about something that brings them discomfort or adversity. By using talking stones, individuals can communicate their emotions visually, tactilely, and verbally, facilitating a deeper understanding and empathy between participants. These stones can facilitate meaningful conversations, reflection, and support in various contexts, including classrooms, therapy sessions, or group activities.

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