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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 8.00am until 8.45am each day.

The children enter the building via the Village Square at 8.00am, door close at 8.05am to enable the staff to take the register.  If you are late arriving, please ring the doorbell of the side door by the scooter and bike parking.

The cost per child is currently £3.50 which on attendance will be billed to your Parentpay Account - All accounts must be kept in credit. 

The children are offered a range of breakfast options in the morning which include, cereals, toast, yoghurts, pancakes, milk and water.

If your child attends regularly and had any food allergies or intollerances, we can provide a special diet for them.  If your child is not in regular attendance, may we kindly ask that you provide their food option for them as we may not have anything appropriate for them.

Breakfast Club is a drop in session, and we welcome new faces all of the time!

There are a range of activities and toys for the children to play with.  We also watch appropriate stories, and take part in a Just Dance activity most mornings to shake away the cobwebs!

We look forward to welcoming your child at Breakfast Club very soon :-)

What the children think of After School Club?

What the parents think of After School Club?

After School Club

So what happens at After School Club? Simply put, everything! Since September the children have taken part in a variety of sports including Frisbee, golf, handball and archery to just name a few. We have also played exciting games and so far our favourites are messy rooms, monkey football, hurricanes and spitfires and most of all parachute games.

Aside from the sport and games we also do arts and crafts. We have made box trolls, masks, treasure chests which have involved a lot paint, glitter, glue, buttons and of course mess. We also have been learning to French knit and make pom poms. There is always a variety of colouring activities available to the children from their favourite movies such as Lego Movie, Frozen, Despicable Me and The Avengers.

We love going outside and having outdoor adventures and so far we have been on a bug hunt where we have discovered lots of different creepy crawlies!

Our vision for the club is for everyday to be different and of course the children will tell us what they would like to do as well. In the New Year we have many more exciting activities planned such as cooking, homemade musical instruments and gardening activities.

We provide snacks including quesedias, beans on toast, wraps and fruit but if you would prefer your child to have a more substantial meal please feel free to send in a lunch box and we will ensure they have time to eat them.

We provide a safe and fun environment for the children after school, where they all want to keep coming back!

The sessions run from 3.20 - 4.30 (£5.00) or 3.20 - 5.45pm (£12.50) - please ensure payment is made via your ParentPay account before your child attends the club.  

Further information can be found in the ASC Information Pack at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions about After School Club do not hesitate to get in touch!

For further information please contact:


01452 612038

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