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Quality First Day:

Before the day even begins all teachers will have ensured their planning is of the best quality: linked to recent and on-going assessments and the needs of the individuals in their class, reasonable adjustments made where necessary.

Teachers will ensure that all pupils have had feedback on their previous learning and work which will aid progression; Pupils will know how to improve their work and will know their current focuses. 

A visual timetable of the day will be on display.

@ 8.40/8.45 classroom doors will open – music will be playing and a SODA (Start of Day Activity) challenge will be presented. All teaching staff will be ready to welcome their class – with a smile.

8.55 registers will be taken on SIMS - lunch register on TEAMs

Effective learning attitudes/behaviour will be recognised through our use of the Learning Ladder - as will any unsuitable behaviour.

9.00 ‘Formal’ teaching and learning begins!

All learning will be introduced in a manner that engages all pupils while clearly making the planned learning outcomes explicit – often this will be using Knowledge Notes and key questions.

Lessons will be engaging – all pupils will enjoy the varied teaching approaches their teachers use. Pupils will have opportunities to work on their own, in pairs as well as in groups and as a whole class.  SEND pupils are equal participates in the learning.  Reasonable adjustments are made where necessary to ensure all children can access the learning.

Pupils will be asked to complete purposeful work which will include the development of their basic skills – reading, writing and maths - whenever possible. Closed, limiting worksheets will not be used!

Teaching Partners will be used to aid learning – this could be by working with individuals, groups or the majority of the class to allow the class teacher to support individuals or groups.  It is recognised Teaching Partners could be carrying out tasks to assist in future learning and reinforcement.

Pupils will be encouraged to maintain excellent attention and develop the best learning habits including effective use of given feedback and self and peer-assessment; developing their metacognitive skills - their ‘learning to learn’ abilities.

All children will make progress – this is how we will be judged as ‘good’ or better teachers!

Pupils, looking their best, will always walk around the school in an appropriate manner, being respectful of others and their learning.

Assemblies are a time of reflection, a chance to come together as a community. The themes discussed will have impact on the whole school and therefore it is important that they begin on time @ 10.10 and that all pupils are present. Whenever possible teachers will sit with their class – modelling the behaviour we expect from the pupils.

@ 10.30 pupils will have a break where they will engage themselves in purposeful and social play and be encouraged to enjoy a healthy snack. @ 10.45(KS2)/10.55(KS1) they will be ready to come back into their classroom.

By 10.50(KS2)/11.00(KS1) teaching and learning will continue!

Lunchtimes will be fun, active and enjoyable. Following a healthy meal, children will play with a variety of children. Any issues will be dealt with immediately and effectively. Any issues of importance will be passed onto teachers and/or Headteacher, effectively but quickly.

At approx. 3.00 each class will enjoy Class story-time

School will end @ 3.10/3.20. Prior to this, children will have been given the opportunity to reflect on their learning from the day.

In addition, extra-curricular clubs will be run to further enhance our pupils’ experiences and learning.

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