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Subject Intent:

To increase pupils’ prospects by:

Giving pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe for both now and in the future in order to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

1. Participatory citizenship

  • PSHE education here will help pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that children will need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
  • Pupils will be given opportunities to ‘make money’ and learn the key elements of building successful ‘businesses’
  • We have great links within the community here and will use this to support the children in learning about the wider world – for example, children will visit the café and use money to feel the real life experience of paying for something.

2. Aspiration and individual growth

  • At Coopers Edge we will support children in setting their own goals, encouraging them to be independent thinkers with autonomy over their learning.
  • This level of PSHE will ensure that their targets are individually fulfilling and will ensure that the children are supported to make choices that will have a positive impact on themselves as well as the whole school and wider community.
  • PSHE education will help children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their personal wellbeing and tackling personal issues that can affect their ability to learn (such as anxiety, unhealthy relationships, self-management, empathy and resilience)
  • We help pupils to effectively manage themselves through life’s challenges, responsibilities and critical opportunities they will face growing up (including understanding relationships, making responsible decisions to succeeding in their job/career, critical thinking communication, teamwork and negotiation).

3. Communication

  • Our PSHE curriculum will remain relevant in an ever increasing digital world, preparing pupils to safely manage their lives online
  • We will support pupils to perceive themselves positively, share interests, establish and maintain relationships in a healthy and safe manner
  • We will support pupils from becoming victims of cyber bullying/ using the internet in order to cyber bully.
  • We will provide opportunities for pupils to effectively communicate, in a wide variety of ways to differing audiences.

4. Equity for all

  • At Coopers Edge we value diversity and want children to feel confident to express their own identify and celebrate these differences daily in many ways, some of which include whole class assemblies and in class presentations as well as through different religious and cultural celebrations.
  • British Values and wider positive morals are embedded within each child
  • Democracy is valued and promoted from the establishment of classroom rules to the celebration of an active Pupil Parliament
  • We will support pupils’ understanding of their place in the world acknowledging how their actions can impact all and how others’ impact on them
  • Our PSHE curriculum will support children in making safe and informed decisions which will assist their transition into adulthood, enabling them to contribute globally
  1. Responsibility of the environment, well-being and a sustainable future
  • We will provide pupils with the skills to develop their growth mind-set from a young age
  • Pupils will know they are responsible for the impact they have on themselves, others and the environment, both positively and negatively.
  • We will discuss the current environment – the effect we have on it and how we can promote sustainability.
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